Council MeetingAgenda
24 February 2025
To All Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the District Council to be held in Council Chamber - Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA on Monday, 24 February 2025, at 6.30 pm
Kate Ryan
Chief Executive
Appletree Court, Lyndhurst, Hampshire. SO43 7PA
This agenda can be viewed online ( It can also be made available on audio tape, in Braille and large print.
Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting. The seating capacity of our Council Chamber public gallery is limited under fire regulations to 22.
Members of the public can watch this meeting live, or the subsequent recording, on the Council’s website. Live-streaming and recording of meetings is not a statutory requirement and whilst every endeavour will be made to broadcast our meetings, this cannot be guaranteed. Recordings remain available to view for a minimum of 12 months.
Anyone wishing to attend the meeting should contact the name and number shown belowError! Unknown document property name..
Apologies |
1. |
Minutes (Pages 7 - 26) |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9 December 2024 as a correct record. |
2. |
Declarations of Interests |
To note any declarations of interests made by members in connection with an agenda item. The nature of the interests must also be specified.
Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting. |
3. |
Chairman's Announcements |
4. |
Leader's Announcements |
5. |
Treasury Management Strategy 2025/26 (Pages 27 - 62) |
6. |
Investment Strategy 2025/26 (Pages 63 - 74) |
7. |
Taxi Policy Review (Pages 75 - 226) |
8. |
Licensing Fees and Charges 2025/26 (Pages 227 - 234) |
9. |
Pay Policy Statement 2025/26 (Pages 235 - 248) |
10. |
Report of Cabinet - 5 February 2025 (Pages 249 - 416) |
11. |
Report of Cabinet - 19 February 2025 (To Follow) |
Ahead of the Supplementary Council Agenda publication, which will follow the Cabinet meeting, the background Cabinet reports relating to this meeting can be viewed on the Council’s website at the following link:-
12. |
Council Tax 2025/26 (Pages 417 - 432) |
13. |
Questions (To Follow) |
To ask questions under Standing Order 22. Questions received will be published ahead of the meeting. (Members are reminded that questions must be submitted to Democratic Services by no later than 12.00 noon, Wednesday 19 February 2025). |
14. |
Notice of Motion - Electronic Voting |
In accordance with Standing Order 21, Cllr Cleary will move the following motion:-
“This Council notes that:-
1. The Council’s Constitution allows for votes by show of hand, and discretionary recorded votes, to be taken by electronic means.
2. The use of electronic voting has been successfully used at recent Council meetings.
3. In order to allow for recorded votes on key budget decisions to be taken electronically, a minor amendment to the Council’s Standing Orders for Meetings is required.
This Council resolves that:-
4. The Council’s Standing Orders for Meetings, as contained within the Constitution, be amended as follows with immediate effect:-
52A.2 At the Chairman’s discretion, the mode of voting on a matter under 52A.1 shall be by electronic means if available to the Council. The Chairman shall inform the Council if a recorded vote is to be taken electronically, immediately before the vote is taken. Alternatively, where a vote is taken on a matter under 52A.1, each member shall state whether they have voted for the proposition, or against the proposition, or have abstained from voting. The manner in which each member voted shall be recorded in the minutes.”
Cllr M Wade will second the motion.
Under the provisions of Standing Order 42, the above motion, after being proposed and seconded (without speeches), should stand referred to the body within whose terms of reference the subject matter of the motions comes, or the Cabinet or such Committees or Panels that the Council may determine.
The Chairman may allow the motion to be dealt with at this meeting if they consider it urgent, convenient or conducive to the despatch of business. |
15. |
Notice of Motion - Chairmen of Committees and Panels |
In accordance with Standing Order 21, Cllr Rackham will move the following motion:-
“This Council resolves that:-
1. Only those Members who do not belong to the ruling political group shall be eligible for nomination to the positions of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the ordinary committees and panels of the Council; and
2. The consequential amendment to the Council’s Standing Orders for Meetings be made by the Monitoring Officer.”
Cllr J Davies will second the motion.
Under the provisions of Standing Order 42, the above motion, after being proposed and seconded (without speeches), should stand referred to the body within whose terms of reference the subject matter of the motions comes, or the Cabinet or such Committees or Panels that the Council may determine.
The Chairman may allow the motion to be dealt with at this meeting if they consider it urgent, convenient or conducive to the despatch of business. |
16. |
Allocation of Seats and Appointments to Committees and Panels (Pages 433 - 438) |
17. |
Any Other Items Which the Chairman Decides Are Urgent |